Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Days 96, 97, and 98

Save for being a father itself, few things about having children have brought me more joy than having Legos in the house again. Now that my son is actually figuring them out, it's even better. We spent about an hour this morning just building and demolishing random combinations of blocks. Sometimes he gets them confused with other plastic toys, but for the most part he is able to keep them together in their container before and after playtime. I'm so proud of him when he eventually doesn't even need me to help him, but I look forward to him turning back around with his "Daddy, fix it!" face.


Sometimes lunch itself is an adventure. His favorite variations on lunch include pulling his bib tight up on his neck like a noose and squirming out of his chair and placing one conquering foot on his tray.
Lately he's taken to taking a spoonful of his food and immediately whipping his head to the side like he's in a shampoo commercial. While the surrounding area has come out relatively clean so far, I know it's only a matter of time until our curtains gain some gorgeous apple and prune polka dots. Also, baby food bananas smell like death. No offense, death.


We have another move at music class! He finally started tapping his thighs at the right time (and almost in time). Today was also the first time that he has actually wanted to hold my hand for an extended period of time. This isn't just specific to me; he rarely wants to hold anyone's hand unless he needs help balancing or getting down steps. Both Mommy and I take it personally, but what can you do? Can't fault the little guy for wanting to be independent.

When it came time to sing a song about car keys (seriously), the teacher brought out a container of bells and a container of keys. My son spent the majority of the song sitting in the middle of the circle sorting the remaining keys and bells in and out of the containers. I'm just going to assume he got that from me.

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