Friday, February 17, 2012

Days 106, 107, 108, and 109

We started the day with a nice little run. Along the way we met a couple of doggies. My son didn't see them at first, but he found them to be hilarious as soon as I pointed them out. I hope some day he will explain to us exactly what is so funny about dogs. Probably their butts.

Today was Valentine's day, but we had to wait until after school to see Mommy. My son was supposed to get a haircut, so we couldn't go see Mommy at work because a nap was of the utmost importance. We did manage to go to the grocery store and buy some of her favorite candy. We put it in a basket that I made for her many, many years ago when we were still dating and gave it to her when she got home. She understood the significance and liked the candy.


He sat on the storytime blanket on his own at music class today. He was facing sideways, but it's better than nothing. I saw this developing last week, as he sat near the blanket for the first time. Maybe he'll be the one holding the book next week.

We played with hula hoops, too. His favorite part was throwing them. While that wasn't one of the "official" moves, he was trying to mimic Daddy who was demonstrating how to toss one and have it roll backwards. I'm not sure I really want a hula-hooping son anyway.


I started to feel very sick around 9 o'clock last night and went to bed soon after. Assuming the worst, I really wasn't looking forward to having to fulfill my sabdadical duties the next day. Thankfully, he and I both slept in a little later than usual, and I felt much better in the morning. He also let me sit around more than usual without having to chase him. He's so good at keeping himself entertained. We get a lot of comments about how well-behaved he is. This has us wondering what the next one will be like. Perfect... right?!??

Today was also a band and drum lessons day, and while I considered canceling both, I had already commissioned Gram and Pop Pop to watch him during my drum lesson. I didn't want to deprive them of that. In addition, my student recently got his first drum set, so I didn't want to miss that. I made it through the whole day and felt fine until the drive home. It was certainly nice (for both of us) to know that Mommy would be more than willing to take over when we got home.


Mommy came home for lunch today. It's funny how there's never any discussion about who's going to feed the baby when we're both home.

I'm still not feeling great, but certainly better than I had been. In other words- today was another day of doing very little. He helped out today by putting away all the books that he pulled out earlier in the week. He's napping right now and will be getting that elusive haircut later in the day. Pray for us all.

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